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Exercise 5. Correlate extinguishing agents (A) with types of extinguishers (C) using one of the synonymous verbal forms (B)

A Sodium bicarbonate Halon Chemicals based on a solution of potassium acetate Water spray, water mist, AFFF, FFFF Carbon dioxide Dry copper, dry graphite Ammonium phosphate
C carbon dioxide extinguishers multi-purpose dry chemical extinguishers water-based extinguishers ordinary dry chemical extinguishers wet chemical extinguishers halogenated extinguishers special powder extinguishers
B is/are contained in is/are employed in

Exercise 6. Complete the following statements (classification of fires is given under NFPA standard) choosing appropriate variant/s.

1) Carbon dioxide extinguishers are rated for Classes....

a) A and B fires

b) B and C fires

c) B and D fires

2)... extinguishers are safe in fighting electrical fires.

a) foam

b) water

c) carbon dioxide

3) Wet chemical extinguishers are based on a solution of....

a) sodium bicarbonate

b) potassium acetate

c) sodium chloride

4) Foam extinguishers are not listed for Class...

a) A fires

b) B fires

c) C fires

Exercise 7. Match types of extinguishers given in the table for each Class of fires.

Type of Extinguisher A B C D K
Foam (AFFF, FFFF)          
Multi-Purpose Dry Chemical          
Ordinary Dry Chemical          
Special Powder          
Wet Chemical          
Carbon Dioxide          

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 575 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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