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Exercise 1. Read and translate the sentences into Russian

1) It being dark, we switched on the light.

2) All preparations having been made, we began our research.

3) His question unanswered, we couldn’t go away.

4) We had a good time at the weekend, the weather being fine all the time.

5) All the problems discussed, they signed the transaction papers.

6) The inspector being experienced, the investigation didn’t last long.

7) The classes being over, she hurried home.

8) She is leaving for London next week, all documents having been filled in long ago.

9) All the exams passed, she went to her native town.

10) Time permitting, they will discuss the problem now.

Exercise 2. Where is Nominative Absolute Participle Construction?


1) The translated article was very interesting.

2) The article being translated by this student is very interesting.

3) Having been translated, the article was published in our journal.

4) Having translated the article, he handed it to the proof-reader.

5) The article translated, he decided to show it to the expert.


1) Visiting art exhibitions people can admire art works of different styles and genres.

2) Having visited the art exhibition, the students organized a discussion.

3) The art exhibition being visited by a great deal of people, we are sure of its success.


1) He was given a very difficult text for translation.

2) The text given to him at the examination was very difficult.

3) The text being interesting, we translated it with pleasure.


1) The key having been found, we could open the door.

2) Having found the work interesting, I decided to take part in it.

3) The decision found, we resumed our work.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1498 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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