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Переведите предложения. A 1) What are the entrance requirements to this institute?

A 1) What are the entrance requirements to this institute? 2) At what stage is this work at the present moment? 3) What about products that companies must constantly redesign? 4) These funds make up what may be called its authorized fund. 5) The realization of what is planned will begin next year and the overall success depends on what the coming years will be like. 6) What is needed is a reasonable compromise. 7) What I can’t understand is how they got there. 8) What he doesn’t realize is that each objective is but (всего лишь) a link in a very long chain. 9) The industry which affected economic development most of all was the motor vehicle industry. 10) The closing of uneconomic mines and the development of automation produced a steady decline in the labour force which resulted in unemployment. 11) The duration of the transition period will be determined by how quickly we’ll be able to switch to the new economic management system.

B) 1) Everyone does what the available conditions and potentialities warrant. 2) What most foreign companies never realize is that they provided the technology and financed the creation of their rival. 3) A marketer should understand what the needs of customers are. 4) What caused the gravest consequences were the stiff restrictions on the financial autonomy of enterprises. 5) It is obvious that what was in the past regarded as successful does not satisfy us now. 6) What we are going to examine is the social aspect of economic management. 7) The success of this process depends to a great degree on how realistically we assess our achievements and on what conclusions we draw. 8) Since 1945 new techniques of production have been introduced which greatly increased productivity. 9) What interests us is not how it is planned but how it is performed. 10) What made the world a single market was not trade, aid or alliances.

11) What happened was that, with the help of computers and telecommunications, capital because it is a form of information could flow faster and more freely than goods.

§ 6 Функции глагола «do»

The functions of «do»

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 428 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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