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Before you read. Task 1.1. Before reading about the role and tasks of penitentiary system think of the subject in general:

Task 1.1. Before reading about the role and tasks of penitentiary system think of the subject in general:

1. Do you know the origin of the term “penitentiary”?

2. Where does it come from? Name the territory if possible.

3. Is there any difference between “penitentiary system” and “prison system”?

4. What do you know about the history of the penitentiary system?

Task 1.2. Study the synonyms of the word combinationPENITENTIARY SYSTEM and clear up the meanings of the following words using the knowledge related to the penitentiary systems of different countries:

1) criminal-executive system;

2) penal system;

3) correctional system;

4) corrections;

5) prison system.

Task 1.3. Read the passage which summarizes the main idea of the CORRECTIONAL SYSTEM at common law and decide if the Penitentiary System of Ukraine has the same functions. Share your ideas with other members of the class:

After sentencing, the offender enters the correctional system. In the broadest sense, corrections involve community supervision or probation, various types of incarceration (including jails, houses of correction, and state pris­ons), and parole programs for both juvenile and adult offenders. Corrections usually represent the retrial care given to offenders when a sentence is imposed by the court and the offender is placed in the hands of the correctional agency.During this stage of the criminal justice process, the offender may be asked to participate in reha­bilitation programs designed to help him or her make a successful read­justment to society. He or she may be forced to radically adjust his or her personality and lifestyle. Corrections play a critical role in the criminal justice system and act as the major sanctioning force of the criminal law. As a result, the system of corrections has many responsibilities, among them protecting society, deterring crime, and reha­bilitating offenders.

Task 1.4. Comment on the quotation of Winston Cherchill (1910):

The mood and temper of the public in regard to the treatment of crime and criminals is one of the most unfailing tests of the civilization of any country.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 348 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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