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BLOCK 2. 16. Packing of the goods is to be suitable for cranage and/ or (использования автопогрузчика)

16. Packing of the goods is to be suitable for cranage and/ or (использования автопогрузчика).

17. The equipment is to be shipped (в экспортной упаковке) suitable for the type of the equipment delivered.

18. The equipment is to be packed in accordance with (шириной железнодорожной колеи) of the Russian railways.

19. The Buyers are to take care of and (покрыть расходы) for insurance of the goods under the present Contract from the moment of their loading (на борт судна) up to the moment of their arrival at the Buyers’ works.

20. All the appendices to the present Contract are to be considered (его неотъемлемую часть).

21. (Если контракт будет аннулирован) the rights and liabilities of the Parties are to be defined in conformity with Clause 4.

22. Shipment of the (крупногабаритных) cases may be effected only after receipt of the Buyers’ approval.

23. Neither Party shall be entitled to (передавать третьим лицам) its rights and obligations under the present Contract without the other Party’s (предварительного согласия) in writing.

24. If the Parties do not come to an agreement (все споры и разногласия) are to be submitted (без обращения в суды), to arbitration at the Foreign Trade Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Moscow, in compliance with the Rules of Procedure of the said Court.

25. The Sellers are to issue (подробный упаковочный лист) for each case.

26. Packing should also be suitable for (перевалки в пути) and long storage of the goods.

27. The Sellers will take care of and (нести) all the expenses connected with (получением необходимой лицензии) for the exportation of the equipment under the present contract.

28. The Party which is unable to fulfil its obligation under this Contract is to inform the other Party within 3 days regarding (начале и завершении) of the above circumstances.

29. Before packing all the machined parts of the equipment are to be treated with (особыми антикоррозийными веществами) which may protect the equipment properly from damage during transportation and (хранения).

30. The Sellers and the Buyers will take all possible measures to (дружественно урегулировать) any disputes or difference which (могут возникнуть) out of the present Contact or in connection with it.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 266 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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