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Skills focus

1.5.2 a. Read the extract and fill in prepositions wherever necessary.
  b. Discuss the text.
  c. Give the text the appropriate heading.


Financial decisions in Britain are heavily influenced … what happens overseas. The exchange rate of the pound, foreign interest rates, and the view that outside investors take … Britain as a profitable place to park their money all profoundly influence … decisions about saving and investment by British people. It is important, however, to distinguish … the impact on ordinary people and the impact … professional investors who manage trillions (thousands of billions) of pounds … pension funds, life insurance, and bonds on behalf … individuals. If I find the interest rate … my house mortgage has gone … because German interest rates have risen, there is little I can do, at least … the short run. I may be able to counteract the effect on my mortgage … shifting savings … accounts which offer higher interest rates and many British people have become skilled … hunting down the banks which offer the most favourable returns. In the long run, these innumerable individual decisions can and do move markets.

1.5.3 a. Complete the text by using the following word combinations from the box and fill in the grid.
  b. Discuss the text.
A stock market G industrial country
B wealthy H collective investment
C invest heavily I goods
D savings J financial centre
E Fund managers K Insurance companies, pension funds
F assets L trading nation

…(1)… can move markets immediately. Their power has grown immensely. …(2)… and other types of …(3)… own at least 60 per cent of the …(4)…. British fund managers …(5)… overseas. About a quarter of pension fund …(6)… are abroad, a much bigger proportion than for any other major …(7)…. Partly this is historical. In the nineteenth century, when Britain was an imperial power and the richest country in the world, the increasingly …(8)… middle class invested in …(9)… everywhere from Shanghai to San Francisco. It also reflects Britain’s continued importance as a …(10)…, exporting more …(11)… per head of population than most other countries. Above all, London has survived Britain’s relative economic decline (the British have got richer, but not as fast as other countries) and remained the world’s most important international …(12)….


Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 659 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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