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Worker participation

Neither method involves workers financially, but a third proposition does that of co-ownership. It proposes that workers become actual shareholders in their companies, thus participating in the distribution of profits and having the power to vote at annual general meetings. The actual acquisition of shares by workers poses a problem, especially as they can, if they work for a public company, purchase them through the stock market if they really desire to become co-owners.

- Two solutions have been successfully applied in practice. The first is to offer shares to workers at attractive prices and the second to award shares as bonus payments. The opportunity to share in the profits of their company is considered to encourage loyalty and co-operative attitude in the workers and to provide a positive incentive for greater productivity.

- Although it is assumed that shares will have voting rights, some managements may view this with apprehension and in some cases shares issued to employees have no voting rights so that control remains firmly in the hands of the existing shareholders and management. In such cases it is considered that the fact of profit-sharing is sufficient participation and incentive. Perhaps such managements have learnt a lesson from the experience of an American company which lost control to its work-force through the issue of shares with voting rights as bonuses, where the number of shares subsequently held by workers exceeded those held by the original owners.

II. Match the equivalents:

1.Casual job a) Временная работа
2. Collective bargaining b) Дерегулирование рынка труда
3. Fair wages c) Забастовка
4. Free market d) Забастовка, при которой замедляется темп работы
5. Go-slow e) Неквалифицированная работа
6. Industrial action f) Отношения между администрацией и работниками
7. Industrial relations g) Переговоры о заключении коллективного договора
8. Labour market deregulation h) Пикетировать
9. Labour union i) Представлять нужды работников
10. Picket j) Промышленный конфликт
11. Professional associations k) Профессиональное объединение
12. Represent the needs of employees l) Профсоюз
13. Social partner m) Профсоюз
14. Strike n) Работа строго по правилам
15. Trade union o) Рабочая сила
16. Unskilled job p) Рабочее время
17. Work force q) Свободный рынок
18. Working conditions r) Социальный партнер
19. Working hours s) Справедливая оплата труда
20. Working-to rules t) Условия труда

III. Match up the words on the left with the definitions on the right:

1. Collective bargaining a) a general term for strikes, o-slows, work-to-rules and so on
2. A strike b) a deliberate reduction in the rate of production, as a protest
3. A go-slow (GB) or slowdown (US) c) a stoppage of work, as a protest against working conditions, low pay and so on
4. Working-to rule d) negotiations between unions and employers about their members’ wages and working conditions
5. Industrial action e) to protest outside a factory or other workplace, and try to persuade workers and delivery drivers not to enter
6. To picket f) deliberately obeying every regulation in an organization, which severely disrups normal operations

IV. Answer these questions:

  1. What are industrial relations concerned with?
  2. What happened to the power of the trade unions in the 1960s and 1970s?
  3. Was this power beneficial to workers? To economy?
  4. What changed to the power of trade unions in 1980s?
  5. Whose concern were historically industrial relations?
  6. How were national negotiations carried out?
  7. How did Government make a direct intervention into industrial negotiations?
  8. Why were joint consultations created?
  9. What did JICs deal with?
  10. Why was ACAS created?
  11. How do disputes take place at local level?
  12. What topics may be raised at these disputes?
  13. Do joint consultative committees have any power?
  14. Why do employees obey them?
  15. Can workers be co-owners of a company?
  16. Why did companies offer shares to workers?
  17. What problem can appear here for management?

Text B

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 616 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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