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III. Which of the following three paragraphs most accurately summarizes the text, and why?

First summary:

Although most organizations are hierarchical, with a number of levels, and a line of command running from the top to the bottom, hierarchies should be avoided because they make decision-making slow and difficult. A solution to this problem is matrix management, which allows people from the traditional functional departments of production, finance, marketing, sales, etc. to work together in teams. Another solution is decentralization: the separation of the organization into competing autonomous divisions.

Second summary:

Most business organizations have a hierarchy consisting of several levels and a clear line of command. There may also be staff positions that are not integrated into hierarchy. The organization might also be divided into functional departments, such as production, finance, marketing, sales and personnel. Larger organizations are often further divided into autonomous divisions, each with its own functional sections. More recent organizational systems include matrix management and teams, both of which combine people from different functions and keep decision-making at lower level.

Third summary:

Most businesses are organized as hierarchies, with a clear chain of command: a boss who has subordinates, who in turn have their own subordinates, and so on. The hierarchy might be internally divided into functional departments. A company offering a large number of products or services might also be subdivided into autonomous divisions. Communication among divisions can be improved by the introduction of matrix management or teams.

V. Study the organization chart, then complete the description of the organization:

Executive Management

Mr. Richard Baldwin

President and Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Kevin Higgins – Research and Development Mr. David Eitingam – Production Mrs. Petra Cusimano – Finance, Personnel, and Administration Mrs. June Heskesh – Marketing and Sales
Mr. Patrick Amos – Multiplex Systems Mr. Emma Wood – Cable Systems Mr. Roger Carter – Microwave Systems Ms. Vera Roberts – Space Systems Mr. Robert Shaw – Mobile Radio Systems Mrs. Sileen Nardo – Teleflex Ltd

The h…………of the company is Chief Executive Officer. He is also the P…………….and am………….of the Board of Directors. U……….him there are four e……….managers, responsible for research and d………., production, f………., personnel and administration and m……….and sales.

The company’s activities are d……….into six business areas, headed by different d……….managers. These managers r………directly to the Chief Executive Officer.

VI. Role-play. Work in group of four. Imagine that you and your partners have just organized the company and now you discuss the best way of company organization. Student A is in favour of line structure, Student B is in favour of matrix structure, Student C is in favour of functional structure and Student D is in favour of staff structure. List the advantages and disadvantages and defend your point of view.

Text C

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