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For outlining options

If there are alternative ways of looking at a topic or proposal, outline them to show you are familiar with the different ways of dealing with a situation.

There seem to be two possible ways of dealing with this...

We've looked at this from one point of view of but there’s the other opinion which…

A number of options present themselves at this point....

If what you are dealing with demands a comparison of strengths and weaknesses indicate clearly the different aspects and underline the points you feel are important or secondary.

What exactly are the benefits?

On the plus side we can add...

This is not the only weakness of the plan...

We cannot ignore the problems that such an action would create...

We do not need to concern ourselves with…

Of lesser interest are…

Be clear and concrete. Use examples, rephrasing, summaries etc.:

To give an example:

Now let's take an example.

An example of this can be found...

To illustrate this…

Let's see this through an example.

For example,

For instance,

To rephrase:

Let me rephrase that,

In other words

Another way of saying the same thing is

That is to say

To summarize:

To summarize

To sum up,

Let me summarize by saying

So that concludes my overview

In conclusion

Briefly said

In short,

What I've tried to show in this part...

To recap what we've seen so far...

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 283 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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