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Ex 1. Complete each sentence with the correct ending A-F from the box below

A. this field operates mostly with data and figures rather than with people’s desires and feelings.

B. they have a lot of opportunities to develop new theories together or consider each other’s opinions.

C. those who have an ability to get a glimpse of the future usually experiences high levels of satisfaction with the profession.

D. economic attitudes and ideas accepted within a certain professional community are more or less the same.

E. many more opportunities to find a wide range of careers open to them.

1. The field of Economies rewards creative and curious thinkers because…

2. Economists are always ready to share opinions, …

3. The most challenging aspect of the profession is that …

4. Those economists who are good at writing or speaking have …

5. Sometimes it may be difficult to distinguish oneself from other economists as …

Ex 2. Speak about your choice of profession using words and word combinations given below. Why have you decided on Economics as you future job? Do you think you’ll make a good economist? Why?

- to spot trends in economic activity

- to improve the efficiency of a system

- to find employment

- to predict economic scenarios

- to act as consultants

- to share ideas

- primary responsibilities

- the core of business life

- overall job satisfaction

- creative thinkers

- cross-discipline course

- to break from the pack

- technological breakthroughs

- to be well-suited for

Ex 3. Work in pairs. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of a certain profession. Make use of the following plan:

1. Required degree

2. Required skills

3. Demand

4. Salary

5. Responsibilities

6. Employment

7. Career prospects

8. Pros and Cons

Ex 4. Use additional sources and find some more detailed information about the work schedule of a financial economist (an international economist). Be ready to speak on it in class or make up dialogues (in the form on interviews).

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 667 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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