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Ex 1. Answer the questions and do the assignments

1. What’s the definition between a full-time and part-time job?

2. Do you think working part-time is useful for student? For you personally?

3. Give reasons for and against students’ working part-time.

4. Study the labour market in Russia and find out the best part-time jobs suitable for students.

Ex 2. Work in pairs. Make up dialogues discussing plusses and minuses of working part-time for students.

Ex 3. Role play: You are a potential employer (choose the sphere yourself) and would be glad to hire a few students for part-time employments. Hold an interview with your potential employees trying to find out the following information:

- whether they are successful students (their academic performance);

- their basic skills;

- their interests and hobbies;

- how they are going to combine studies and work;

- their motivation;

- how much time they can devote to work;

- the qualities of their characters that could be useful for the job;

These words and word-combinations may help you: an applicant, a would-be-boss, an application, a CV, to be highly motivated, to manage a tight schedule, a dire need for additional resources, to learn valuable lessons, to broaden one’s scope, to be hourly paid, punctuality, diligence, responsibility, accuracy, discipline, an ability to work under the strain.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 398 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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