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Mustafa K

Founder and CEO at Boxer Watches

Success in life does NOT mean money to me. Because money without time has no value.

Time is a non-renewable resource. You can't gain more time, but you can always gain back more money.

Therefore success in my life is when I have the time and opportunities to pursue things which make me excited. Of course money is needed and can help greatly, but it certainly isn't the main goal.

Ex 2. What do you consider true success in life? How would things look if you were really successful? That is what this poll about.

What is true success to you personally? Which of the definitions given below appeals to you more? Why? Give your grounds and discuss your views with the groupmates. If necessary, add your own definition of success to the list.

- True success means making lots of money and accumulating vast amounts of wealth.

- True success is simply being happy with everything that you do and what happens to you.

- True success means attaining deep enlightenment and realizing enlightenment.

- True success means finding your soul mate and raising a wonderful family.

- True success is different for each of us and cannot be defined.

- There is no such thing as true success, it is just a fantasy that some people have.

Vote. See, which of the statements appears to be most popular.

Ex 3. Role-play:

Discuss the roles of money and success in people’s life in a TV show. There may be different people invited to participate in this discussion – millionaires, students, teachers, celebrities, psychologists etc.

Ex 4. Write an essay “My idea of success in life”.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 239 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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