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C. Put in the necessary prepositions

1. The term economics is derived … the Greek for oikos and nomos.

2. … goods we mean physical commodities, … services – activities.

3. Services may be consumed only … the instant they are produced.

4. It is not always easy to find a compromise … people’s desires … goods and services, and the scarcity … resource … which they can be produced.

5. The modern market economy comprises … three types of economic agents.

6. Consumers represent households that provide labour and other resources to produce … an income which they use to purchase consumer goods.

7. Producers acquire factors … production … households.

8. Outputs can be classified … goods and services.

9. The government is involved … the economy as a producer, consumer? Regulator and supervisor … economic activities.

10. Consumers, producers and the government have to make rational decisions … available resources.

11. The aim of the firm is to draw maximum profit … given resources or obtain desired results … the minimum efforts or cost.


Task I. Write a Summary and a GIST of Text A.

Task II. Fill in the table and comment on it.

Notion Definition Explanation Example


Task I. Comment on the table (Writing, Task II)

Task II. Prepare a talk on the subject of the Unit and present it in class.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 841 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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