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Ex. 12. Find the English equivalents for the following Russian words and word combinations

1. утверждение; 2. иметь дело; 3. рассматривать; на языке; 4. вычислять; 5. подобно, таким же образом; 6. алгебраические выражения; 7. полином; 8. для удобства; 9. член; 10. трехчлен; 11. возведение в степень; 12. тогда утверждение справедливо; 13. представлять

a. then the statement is true; b. trinomial; c. raising to a power; d. deal with; e. for convenience; f. term; g. compute; h. likewise; i. in terms of; j. algebraic expressions; k. statement; l. represent; m. polynomial

Ex. 13. Give the proper English equivalents for the Russian expressions.

computed, instead of, simpler, ordinary letters, replace, hold, generalization, relations, concerning, multinomials

1. Algebra is обобщение of arithmetic. 2. In order to state the general rule we write symbols, обычные буквы, instead of particular numbers. 3. These signs have been introduced to denote отношения between numbers. 4. Algebra is the system of rules относительно the operations with numbers. 5. Particular numbers may замещать the symbols a and b. 6. All the laws of arithmetic верны for operations with letters. 7. We write symbols вместо particular numbers. 8. The square of the sum of any two numbers c and d can be вычислен by the rule (c + d)2 = c2 + 2c•d2. 9. Algebraic expressions may be given a более простая form by combining similar terms. 10. Algebraic expressions consisting of more than one term are called полиномами.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 747 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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