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Ex. 16. Ask special questions

1. Her desk is in the room (what, where). 2. These houses are old (what). 3. We are in the classroom (who, where). 4. They will be ready soon (who, when). 5. She was a post-graduate last year (who, when). 6. The work will be over tomorrow (what, when). 7. They were ready to begin the work (who, what). 8. I was at the University last week (where, when). 9. The next text is in the note-book (what, where). 10. They will be students next year (when). 11. This ancient monastery is a museum now (what).

Ex. 17. Translate into English.

1. Завтра будет урок английского языка. 2. Эта книга моя или твоя? 3. Сегодня солнечно, но не тепло. 4. Это не мой пиджак, мой черный. 5. Десять минут назад дети были в саду. 6. Было приятно послушать ее рассказ. 7. В этом тексте для меня нет новых слов. 8. Двух студентов не было на уроке английского языка в прошлую пятницу. 9. Сейчас это их проблема, а не наша. 10. До ближайшего почтового отделения 500 метров. 11. Будет интересно увидеть ее в этом новом фильме. 12. Сколько страниц в этой книге?

Ex. 18. Writing. Using the words given in the list for the text do the following assignments.

1. Describe the student sitting next to you.

2. Write a description of someone you know well and like a lot (you may bring a photo of that person).

3. Describe someone from your group but do not say who the person is. Other students listen to your description and must guess the name of the person.


Grammar: The verb “to have” Present, Past, Future Simple; Types of questions

The verb “to have”

Present   Past   Future
I we you they have have got   I you he she it we they had   I we shall have/ will have
he she it has has got     you he she it they will have

In questions and negative sentences the following forms are used.

Present Have you got any money? Do you have any money? Have you any money? (less usual) I haven't got any money. I don't have any money. I haven't any money, (less usual)
Has she got a car? Does she have a car? Has she a car? (less usual) She hasn't got a car. She doesn't have a car. She hasn't a car. (less usual)
Past Did they have a car last year? They didn’t have a car last year.
Future Will the students have a seminar tomorrow? The students won’t have a seminar tomorrow.

The verb to HAVE is also used for many actions and experiences.

have breakfast / dinner / a cup of coffee / a cigarette/a drink / a meal. a bath / a shower / a swim / a rest / a party / a holiday / a nice time / a good journey / a good flight / a good trip an accident / an experience / a dream/ a sleep / a lie-down / a look (at something) / a chat (with somebody) / a talk / a fight a baby (= give birth to a baby) difficulty / trouble / fun
I don’t usually have a big breakfast. What time does Ann have lunch? Did you have any difficulty at the exam yesterday?

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