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Unit VIII. Negotiating skills

a graph

a negotiation strategy

a well-structured talk

agree on a procedure

agree on a procedure

agree terms

agree terms

an important point

an inter-personal process

an opening position

as you can see…

at this stage



change the subject


create a rapport

create a rapport

deal with

enthusiastic attitude

expand a point

expressive body language

eye contact

have a look at…

have lunch

I’d like to point out…

listen and take notes

main points

make counter-proposals

negotiation strategy


rhetorical questions

sense of humour

set out proposals

set out proposals

specific language

thorough subject knowledge

to accept something on one condition

to be in two minds

to be nearing agreement

to be willing to accept a compromise

to bear in mind

to change one’s mind

to digress for a moment

to find a mutually acceptable solution to an issue

to find a solution

to give you an example of what I mean

to give you the background to this…

to go back to what I was saying

to have second thought

to invite questions

to make a snap decision

to make a suggestion

to make something clear

to move to the next point

to offer an alternative

to quote some figures

to revise an offer

to say a bit more about that

to see some movement on …

to set the tone for the interaction

to solve a problem

to start with

to sum up

to take into consideration

to understand somebody correctly


Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 377 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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