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I. Read the text about how to give and receive business cards correctly

Take your time. It's impossible to convey respect if you fling your card at someone. Remember that the left hand is considered unclean in the Islamic world. Even in many non-Islamic areas of Africa and Asia, the tradition has evolved of using the right hand in preference over the left.

In some parts of Asia (notably Japan), presenting a card with two hands conveys respect. When using both hands, hold your card by the two upper corners.

When you receive a business card, immediately take time to read it. This is a good time to repeat the person's name, especially if it is in a language you're not familiar with. While you may write on your own card, never write on someone else's business card.

Ideally, you should store your business cards in a small case. If you don't have a card case with you, put your cards in a front or side pocket.

It's only polite to have your card translated into the local language. One side of the card should be in your language, the opposite side in the local language.

Bring plenty of cards. In some countries, you will need two for each one-to-one visit, since the secretary will keep one card.

From Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia

II. Make your own business card. Roleplay the situation of giving and receiving them according to the cultural preferences.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 379 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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