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Listen to these extracts from the conversation and complete the instructions

1_____________, use the mouse to move the cursor to “favourites”.

2______________the shopping basket in the corner of the screen.

3______________that the details are the same.

4______________you’ve only ordered one copy.

4. Which words does Magda stress in her instructions? Practice saying them.

Now put the words in these instructions in the right order.

1. type–sure–you–make–your–in–first–password–all–of

2. move–to–the–shopping–the–basket–cursor–click–icon–and–on–it

3. screen–the–around–use–move–the–cursor–to–the–mouse

6. Have you or anyone else in the group ever ordered anything online? What stages did you have to go through to place your order?

Lexical exercises

Active Vocabulary

I. Match the words to the correct definitions.

1. Chat room a)the ability of a computer to run several programmes at once
2.E-commerce b)the screen you see after you’ve switched your computer
3. Joystick c)an area on the Internet where people can communicate with each other in real time
4.Cyberspace d)the business of buying and selling goods and services on the Internet
5. Desktop e)a stick which helps you move in computer games
6.Multitasking f) the imaginary place where electronic messages, information pictures, etc. exist when they are sent from one computer to another.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 571 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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