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III. Now listen again. This time complete the spaces with the words the man uses to make his proposals

1. First of all, we __________________________ a change to the company’s name.

2. We ____________________________ to a more international name.

3. Secondly, we’d like to ________________________new sales staff.

4. We ____________________________three new assistant staff – people with languages and experience.

5. Our third _____________________________the possible use of the Internet as a marketing tool for your company.

6. Finally, we ____________________________serious and immediate measures to reorganize the production side of the company.


Your friend comes to you with the following problems. Make two suggestions in each case. Use as many different expressions as you can.

“I just feel I’m going nowhere in my job.”

“I frequently travel to Germany but I don’t speak a word of the language”

“I often forget things like meetings and phone numbers”

“My car’s always breaking down”

“I feel so tired and overworked”


You are not happy with the following five things. Tell your teacher why you are not happy and what you would change if you could. Make two different suggestions or proposals about:

1) the organization of your classes (days, time, etc.)

2) the place where you work

3) the work timetable or calendar that you have

4) the TV programmes in the country where you live

5) the traffic and/or parking problems in the city where you live

Explain the reasons behind your proposals. Find out if your teacher agrees with you. Choose one of the topics and write an email to an appropriate person, containing your proposals.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 649 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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