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Make up a dialogue of your own, using some of the phrases from Ex. 10

13. This exercise is meant to develop your ability to hear and repro­duce intonation in conversation.

a) Listen to the dialogue "A Visit to the Doctor" carefully, sentence by sentence. Write it down. Mark the stresses and tunes. Your teacher will help you to correct your variant. Practise reading each sentence of your corrected variant after the cassette-recorder.

b) Record your reading of the dialogue. Play the recording back im­mediately for the teacher and your fellow-students to detect your errors. Practise the dialogue for test reading.

c) Make up conversational situations with the following phrases:

Well, what's the matter with...?

You'd better ask me what is not the matter with me,...

To make things still worse...

In fact...

D) Make up a talk about illnesses and their treatment, using phrases from the dialogue above. Work in pairs.

E) Imagine you are consulting a doctor — tell him what troubles you. Imagine you are a doctor. You diagnose the case as quinsy. Tell your

Patient what he should do to get well.

This exercise is meant to develop your ability to hear and reproduce intonation in reading.

A) Listen to the text carefully, sentence by sentence. Write down the text. Mark the stresses and tunes. The teacher will help you to correct your variant Practise reading each sentence of your corrected variant after the cassette-recorder.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 497 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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