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IV. Blackboard Activity

Come out to the board, please (when the teacher is at the front of the class).

Go to the board (when the teacher is standing at the back of the class).

Move out of the way (step aside) so that everyone can see.

Is there anything to correct (that needs correcting)?

What letter is missing? There's a `k' missing (`k' is miss­ing).

Cross the 't's and dot the `i' s.

Write it with a capital `j' (it begins with a 'j').

Write it as one word (two words).

These two letters are the wrong way round.

Put a comma (question mark, exclamation mark, colon, semi-colon, full stop) after the word (sentence), please.

Enclose the words in quotation marks (inverted commas), please.

Let's all read the sentences from the board.

Use the duster (sponge).

Put (take, get, write, copy) that down in your notebooks.

Make notes on what I say in your exercise books.

Write it in block (big) letters (in block capitals).

Write (rewrite) it neatly.

Do the exercise in writing.

Will you, please, go to your seat. (Don't say 'Sit down' if a pupil is not standing at his seat.)

Hand in your papers as you leave (go out) and make sure your names are on them.

V. Slides, Pictures, Films

I'll finish the class by showing you a film (some slides).

Put the screen up (pull down the screen).

Draw the curtains (close the blinds).

Lights out, please. Switch on the projector.

Who would like to work (operate) the projector today?

Turn the lights on again (put the lights back on).

Next picture, please/change the picture.

It's a bit out of focus.

I'm afraid this one is upside down.

What is happening in this picture?

What can you see in the foreground (background, centre, right-hand corner, the top left-hand corner, at the bottom) of the picture?

I'll let this photograph go round. Have a look and then pass it on.

Pass this picture round.

Come out and point to London on the map.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 409 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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