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B) Retell the text above using the phrases in italic type

C) Comment on the text. Say if you think such a competition is a sport.

XXIII. Try your hand at teaching.

1. Say what you would do in the teacher's position:

Anna, a fourth form pupil, surprised and shocked the children in class because of the long dangling earrings she was wearing. At first the teacher decided to ignore this, hop­ing the children would soon ignore it also. However, the subdued but excited noise continued. Everyone wanted to see and touch the earrings.

Practise your Classroom English.

Prepare a short test on the vocabulary of Unit Six. Play the part of the teacher and give the test in class, check it and comment on each work. (See "Classroom English". Sections VII, IX.)


1. Listen to the text "A Friend in Need", mark the stresses and tunes. Read the text following the model.

A) Paraphrase the given sentences,

B) Make up sentences contrasting to the given ones using the verb need and a suggested noun.

C) Respond to the remarks using the given pattern.

Write a spelling-translation test.

Change the given sentences according to the model.

Task I. Listen to the English sentences and write down the Russian translation. Check your translation with the key (written work).

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 603 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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