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Learn to use alternative ways of controlling the class, using polite requests rather than direct commands


a) The following forms express annoyance and irritation.

— Do try to work on your own.

— Just speak up a little!

b) You can make your commands sound more polite by using either a low rising tone or words, phrases and structures like "please; I'm afraid; I think; perhaps; don't you think; I (don't) want you to...; I (don't) expect you to...; would you like; would you, please;..., will you;..., could you; what if...; let's/let's not."


1. Practise giving instructions to pupils in a polite manner, use the phrases below:

go on to the next exercise, carry on (proceed) reading, repeat what you said, copy this off the board, work in twos (threes), share the textbook, try the next item, practise the irregular verbs, listen carefully to what I say, etc.

2. Take it in turns to play the part of the teacher beginning and finishing the lesson. Make sure that you don't sound too straightforward. (See "Classroom English", Sections II and III.)


1. Listen to the text "Anne Meets Her Class", mark the stresses and tunes, repeat the text following the model.

Respond as shown in the models, check your replies.

Combine the sentences into one conditional sentence.

4. Write a spelling-translation test:

A) Translate the given phrases into English.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 523 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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