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Audio formats: used for different purposes

A) MP3


history of MP3

Exercise 2

Read the text and answer the questions.

Exercise 3

Study this diagram which explains MP3. Answer the questions.

Exercise 4

Match these captions to the pictures in Exercise 3. Consider again your answers.

Exercise 5

Read the text and find answers to the questions.

Exercise 6

Match causes and effects. Link them with an -ing-clause

Exercise 7

Explain how these actions are performed.

b) other audio formats

questions to be asked and discussed

1) What other audio formats do you know?

2) What compression algorithms are used in audio formats?

3) WAV format



Audio formats: used for different purposes

Exercise 8

Study the diagram which illustrates how MIDI operates. Link each set of sentences into one complex sentence to form a continuous paragraph. You may add, change or omit words.

c) music players

questions to be asked and discussed

1) What music players do you know?

2) What features can a player have?


describe a perfect music player

SECTION 3 images

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 385 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

studopedia.org - Студопедия.Орг - 2014-2024 год. Студопедия не является автором материалов, которые размещены. Но предоставляет возможность бесплатного использования (0.006 с)...