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You will not be surprised to hear that every true American waves a flag on July 4th. This is the day when Americans remember the beginnings of their nation. And you would expect every true American to sit at the family table and eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day in November. This is when they thank God for the good things in their lives, and remember the courage of the first Europeans who landed in America.
You might, on the other hand, be surprised to hear how many Americans go out to follow the dancing lion on the Chinese New Year. Or how many meet with their families at Passover. Or how many listen to bagpipe music and drink whisky on Burns Night.
There are special festivals in different parts of the States. They show how many different nations came together to make the American nation. In New Orleans, for example, there's the old French festival of Mardi Gras. March in Miami, Florida, is carnival time when thousands of Spanish speakers take to the streets in wonderful costumes. In Chicago, on St Patrick's Day (the national day of the Irish) Irish green is everywhere. People wear green clothes, drink green beer, and even the Chicago River is coloured green for the day. In New York, there will be special food and special parties for Irish, Italian, Jewish, and Chinese days.
The truth is that Americans love parties. But perhaps the best parties of all are private, family ones. Some, like Halloween, are especially for the children. At the end of October, they dress up as ghosts or witches and go from house to house asking for candy or cookies. Another very American kind of party is a 'shower.' A group of friends get together to give presents to someone who is getting married or having a baby.
Whatever the reason, Americans love to invite people to their homes, and they work hard to make their houses look good and their food taste delicious. Is it little Susan's birthday? Her friends come in for the party and have cake and ice cream. The Fourth of July? A group of friends go out together for a picnic. And what about President's Day in February? There will be cherry pie at home for everyone, of course.
From Faces of the USA by E. Laird
to wave- размахивать, махать turkey- индейка Thanksgiving- (официальный праздник в память первых колонистов Массачусетса, отмечается в последний четверг ноября) courage- мужество to land -высаживаться на берег on the other hand -с другой стороны Passover- еврейская пасха bagpipe- исполняемый на волынке (bagpipesволынка) Burns Night- праздник, посвященный Роберту Бернсу, национальному поэту Шотландии (отмечается 25 января, в день рождения поэта) New Orleans- Новый Орлеан Mardi Gras- Марди Грас (вторник на масленой неделе — народный праздник в некоторых городах) | Miami- Майами Florida- Флорида carnival- карнавал to take to the streets-выйти на улицы Chicago- Чикаго St Patrick's Day- День святого Патрика (национальный праздник Ирландии, который отмечается 17 марта) Jewish- еврейский Halloweenканун Дня всех святых to dress up -наряжаться shower- амер. вечеринка, организуемая друзьями whatever- какой бы ни, какой бы то ни было, любой delicious- очень вкусный cherry pie- вишневый пирог |
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