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Pre-norman Britain

The Iberians brought their metal-working skills and the first real civilization to Britain in the third millennium B.C. and were then overrun by the various Celtic invasions that began in the 8th century B.C. The Celts introduced their tribal organization and an early form of agriculture before they were forced westwards into Cornwall, Wales and Ireland (where the Celtic language still exists in different forms) by the Roman invasion begun by Claudius in 43 A.D.

The Romans ruled Britain for over two hundred years and left behind three things of importance: their roads, the sites of important cities (notably London), and the seeds of Christianity. The Latin way of life - villas, arts, language and political organization - all vanished, however, after the invasions from Northern Europe by the Angles, Saxons and Jutes from the 5th century onwards.

These pagan peoples were easily converted to Christianity and the preachers from Rome brought with them learning and civilization. Christianity was an important factor in enabling the various kingdoms created by the Nordic invaders to be united under Egbert in the 9th century. The Vikings (the name means 'warrior') first raided England to plunder it, then in the days of Alfred of Wessex they began 'to win wide lands to plough and to rule. In the 10th century England fell under Danish rule, with King Canute finally managing to unite the Anglo-Saxons and Danes at the beginning of 11th century.

Exercise 1. Complete this chart.

People Dates Characteristics/achievements
1 Iberians 3000 B.C. metal working, first real civilization
2.............................. ................................... ...........................................................
3.............................. ................................... ...........................................................
4.............................. ................................... ...........................................................
5.............................. ................................... ...........................................................

Exercise 2. The Celtic language exists today in the form of Scottish Gaelic, Irish Gaelic and Welsh. Here is same phrase in four languages:


Scottish Gaelic

Irish Gaelic


Our Father, who art in Heaven...

Ar n-athair a tha air neamh...

Ar n-atheir, atá ar neamh...

Ein Tad, yr hwn wyt yn у nefoedd

Do you know any words in these languages? The Scottish name for a lake? The Irish name for Dublin? The Welsh name for a competition of dancing, singing and poetry?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-23; Прочитано: 1838 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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