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Applying for a Job

Finding the job you want is in some ways like taking a final examination. You must bring together all you have learned and all you can do. Then you must present yourself and your skills to employers in such a way that at least one of them will want to hire you for a position in his or her organisation.

Remember that in your job search you must put together all you have learned and then make it work for you. Whether you want a part-time job, your communication skills will help you to prepare for and succeed in your search.

You will be hired because you have skills that an employer needs. Most employers look for certain qualities in their employees. Employers want people who are willing to work hard and be co-operative, dependable, and trustworthy. They want positive, friendly and outgoing persons. They also want well-groomed workers who respect others and can handle criticism.

In addition to the above qualities, employers want their employees to have certain job skills. Communication and organizational skills, for example. A number of other specific skills are also needed to perform some jobs. Once you have analysed your skills and your needs and determined the jobs for which you are qualified, you must select the job that interests you most.

How do you find the job you want? Where do you look for a job for which you are qualified? – Newspaper advertisements are a good source of employment opportunities. These ads may ask you to apply in person for the positions listed, or they may ask you to submit an application letter or a resume. Sometimes local professional journals or newspapers contain job listings. F.ex.: the Los Angeles Daily Journal, a publication for the legal profession, is a good source of legal secretarial positions in the Los Angeles area.

Once you have decided what you have to offer an employer, you should prepare a written summary of your qualifications. This summary – your resume – is a description of your qualifications. It usually includes a statement of your education, your employment experience, a list of reference, and other data that will help you to obtain the job you wish. A resume may be sent with a letter of application, be presented to an employer at an interview, or be used to assist you in filling out an employment application form. Being your personal introduction to an employer, the resume should present the best possible impression of you.

Most business firms like to have a standardized record for each employee. Frequently, personnel interviewers use the application form as they interview you.

At some point in your career, you will surely have occasion to write one or more of the following types of employment letters:

  1. A letter of application. This letter may be written in response to a newspaper ad.
  2. A letter accepting a position.
  3. A letter refusing the position.
  4. A letter residing from a position.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 536 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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