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Topical vocabulary. Environment and man:to link man to nature, to adapt to environment, to be preoccupied with economic growth

Natural resources and attractions: minerals, (fresh) water-supplies, floods, rainfalls, vegetation, greenery, woodland, forestry, wildlife, flora and fauna, arable land (soil), cultivated land, open land, “green belts”, recreation areas, coastal areas, national parks, wildlife reserves, public open spaces

Environment and man: to link man to nature, to adapt to environment, to be preoccupied with economic growth, unrestricted industrialization, the sprawl of large-built areas, to upset the biological balance, industrial zoning, to abuse nature, to litter the landscape, ecosystem, to be environment-conscious, to be environment-educated

Environmental problems: land pollution, industrial wastes, the by-products of massive industrialization, to dump waste materials on land, extensive use of agrochemicals, the denudation of soil, the toxic fall-outs of materials, desertification, deforestation, water pollution, dropping water level, to face the fresh water-supply problem, depletion of water resources, the disruption of water cycle, marine pollution, oil spillage, destruction of aquatic ecosystems, air (atmospheric) pollution, the air pollution index, to produce foul air, to exhaust toxic gases (fuel), combustion of fuel, concentration of smoke, carbon dioxide in the air, radioactive pollution, high (low) radioactivity, radioactive contamination, to store (disperse) radioactive wastes, noise offenders, merciless killing of animals, destruction of animal habitats, global environmental problems, acid rains, ozone holes, “greenhouse” effect, global climatic changes

Nature conservation and environment protection: global environmental security, to preserve ecosystems, to create disaster-prevention programs, to harmonize industry and environment, conservation movement, to preserve woodlands, to protect and reproduce animal (fish, bird) reserves, to fight pollution, to install anti-pollution equipment, to minimize noise disturbance, to reduce pollution, to dispose garbage (litter, wastes) in designated areas, to improve sewage works, to use alternative types of energy, to protect endangered species

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 854 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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