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Politics of Russia

The working constitution, creating a strong presidency, was approved by referendum in December 1993. It declares Russia a democratic, federative, law-based state with a republican form of government. State power is divided among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. Diversity of ideologies and religions is sanctioned, and a state or compulsory ideology may not be adopted. The right to a multiparty political system is upheld. The content of laws must be made public before they take effect, and they must be formulated in accordance with international law and principles. Russian is proclaimed the state language, although the republics of the federation are allowed to establish their own language.

With a new constitution and a new parliament representing diverse parties, Russia’s political structure subsequently showed signs of stabilization. As the transition period extended into the mid-1990s, the power of the national government continued to decline as Russia’s regions gained political and economic concessions from Moscow. Although the struggle between executive and legislative branches was partially resolved by the new constitution, the two branches continued to represent fundamentally opposing visions of Russia’s future. Most of the time, the executive was the center of reform, and the lower house of the parliament, State Duma, was a bastion of anti-reform communists and nationalists.

So, the Legislative consists of the bicameral Federal Assembly, made up of the 450-member State Duma and the 176-member Federation Council, which adopts federal law, declares war, approves treaties, has the power of the purse and the power of impeachment of the President.

Executive branch is the President (the commander-in-chief of the military) who can veto legislative bills before they become law. He appoints the Cabinet and other officers, administers and enforces federal laws and policies.

And Judiciary are the Constitutional Court, Supreme Court, Supreme Court of Arbitration and lower federal courts, whose judges are appointed by the Federation Council on the recommendation of the President, interpret laws and can overturn laws they deem unconstitutional.

The president is elected by popular vote for a six-year term (eligible for a second term, but not for a third consecutive term). Ministries of the government are composed of the Premier and his deputies, ministers, and selected other individuals; all are appointed by the President on the recommendation of the Prime Minister (whereas the appointment of the latter requires the consent of the State Duma). Leading political parties in Russia include the United Russia, the Communist Party, the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, and the Fair Russia.

The electoral geography of Russia is a description of regional political differences in the country. In recent years this has been popularized by the obvious territorial cleavages between North and South, urban and rural territories, etc.

The “Urban factor” is considered to be most obvious electoral cleavage in Russia. The level of support of many political parties differs in several times in towns and rural territories. The rural population in Russia tends to provide higher support for Communists and national-conservative politicians. Urban populations provide support for liberal parties several times bigger than in rural territories. The urban electorate tends more toward the opposition than rural voters.

The “Ethnic factor” also plays an important role in territorial differences in electoral behaviour in Russia. Regions and districts with large proportions of Turkic and Caucasian representatives have significant influence on electoral results. Parties of military authoritarian orientation have less support here. Voters of these nationalities are more conservative.

Exercise 4. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1. There are three political branches in Russia. 2. The “Urban factor” very seldom influences the vote. 3. Cabinet can veto bills which have been approved by the President. 4. The Federation Council has 450 members. 5. The content of laws must be made public before they take effect.

Exercise 5. Answer the following questions.

1. What form of government does Russia have? 2. How many members are there in the State Duma? 3. How can you describe the relation between executive and legislative powers? 4. Who must approve the political offices before they are appointed by the President? 5. What leading political parties do you know in Russia? 6. When was the working constitution approved by referendum? 7. How many state languages are there in Russia? 8. When did transition period take place? 9. How many terms may the President serve? 10. Who has the power of impeachment of the President?

Exercise 6. Read and translate the text. Use the dictionary when necessary. Pay attention to the differences between Russia and Britain.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 575 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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