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EXERCISES. I. Read the following words paying attention to pronuncia­tion:

I. Read the following words paying attention to pronuncia­tion:

acute, obtuse, turn, use, unit, number, supplementary, complementary, other, but, reflex, vertex, axis, pointed, represented, straight.

II. Give words of the same root as:

Model: measure n measure v measurement v form, amount, turn, notice, determine, complement, contain.

III. Make up sentences of your own using words and expres­sions given below:

is said to be, is called, is formed, to depend upon, to turn away from, is less than, is more than, to turn more than a quarter, a degree, a circle.

IV. Answer the following questions:

1. When is an angle formed? 2. What do we call a point at which the sides of an angle meet? 3. What unit is used in measuring an angle? 4. What angles do you know? 5. How many degrees does an acute angle contain?

V. Translate into Russian:

The size of measure of an angle is determined by the amount of opening between the sides, and not by the lengths of the sides.

Two angles are said to be equal if they can be placed to­gether so that their vertexes are at the same point and the two sides of one coincide with the two sides of the other. This is a very important definition.

When several lines meet at one point to form more than one angle, any two of the angles which have one side in com­mon are said to be adjacent.

When a line is drawn through the vertex of an angle be­tween the sides it is said to divide the angle.

VI. Translate into English:

Угол образуется, когда две прямые линии встречаются в точке. Прямые линии называются сторонами угла, а точка, в которой они встречаются — вершиной угла.

Размер угла зависит от той величины (amount), на ко­торую одна сторона отклоняется от другой.

Градус — это единица измерения, используемая при измерении угла.

Углы бывают прямые, острые, тупые. Если одна сторона угла отклоняется на четверть полного круга от другой стороны, то образованный угол называется прямым углом. Прямой угол содержит 90°.


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