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Exercise 16. In the text above find synonyms to the following words and word combinations

Total, provide for, harmful, use n. lack n, fight, remove (liquid, gas, etc.), control, industrial, elimination, enormous, forestation, allowable, every year, economical, impact, be equal to, improve the quality.

Exercise 17. Make up the summary to the text "Ecology in Ukraine "in English (first in writing then orally).


Air and Water Pollution in Ukraine

Exercise 1. Look through and translate the following words:

Essential element, few consequences, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, metallurgical, oil-recycling and building materials industries, carcinogen, motor vehicles, multisided.

Exercise 2. Read and translate text.

Ukraine: Kinds of pollution

There are several kinds of environmental pollution in Ukraine. They include air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution caused by solid wastes, noise, and radiation.

Air pollution. Air is the most essential element for all living organisms and most people play the main role in polluting this essential resource. Air pollution may not be as dangerous as nuclear or water pollution, out in the long term it will have an effect on the environmental and health of its organisms. Asthma, cancer, acid rain is only a few consequences of air pollution. The greatest atmospheric pollutants are the carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, etc. Extremely dangerous are emissions of chemical, metallurgical, oil-recycling and building materials industries. The major sources that enable monoxide to enter the atmosphere are the exhaust of cars, the burning of fuels and it causes the possible greenhouse effect. Hydrocarbons are caused by the combustion of oil and petrol and it effects the environment with carcinogen. Carcinogen is a chemical that causes cancer. Sulfur dioxide is certainly one of the major atmospheric pollutants. It is considered to cause stinging, asthma, and acid rains. Nitrogen oxide produced bv the exhaust of cars causes pneumonia. Many of these atmospheric pollutants produce the dangerous and well- known smoke and gas emissions called smog.

Engines, whether used for ground transportation or air transport are one of the largest sources of atmospheric pollution. Jet aircraft discharges large amount of pollutants as specially oxides of nitrogen, hydrocarbons and carbonic acid gas. Although jet engines have improved over the years but they are still responsible for considerable air pollution.

Most air pollution results from combustion (burning) processes. The burning of gasoline to power motor vehicles and the burning of coal to heat building are examples of such processes. Each time a fuel is burned in a combustion process, some types of pollutants are released into the air. Wind scatters pollutants, and rain and snow wash them into the ground. But in many areas, pollutants are put into air faster than weatiier conditions can dispose of them.

The problem of atmospheric pollution control is difficult, multisided, and requires a lot of hands and means. Nevertheless, modern level of scientific-technological progress allows to decrease dangerous substances formation and, to work out some measures preventing pollution by these substances.

Water Pollution. Water pollution involves the release into lakes, streams, rivers, and oceans of substances that become dissolved or suspended in the water or deposited upon the bottom. It may also include the release of energy in the form of radioactivity or heat, as in case of thermal pollution. Any body of water has the capacity to absorb, break down, or recycle introduced materials. Under normal circumstances, inorganic substances are widely dispersed and have little or no effect on life within the bodies of water into which they are released. Organic materials are broken down by bacteria or other organisms and converted into a form

In which they are useful to aquatic life. But, if the capacity of a body of water to dissolve, disperse, or recycle is exceeded, all additional substances or forms of energy become pollutant.

Water or marine pollution is also partly caused by flowing of the poisonous water to different rivers, ponds, lakes and seas. But we also have to face the problem of oil in the world's water. Fuel oil enters oceans mainly from oil tankers and offshore oil wells. Oil tankers are not safe enough to guarantee the full isolation of the oil inside. Such spills of oil in the sea kill both flora and fauna and makes the water totally dead. This acute problem needs to be solved in a short period of time.

Exercise 3 Write down the terms for the following definitions.
                    1. a substance that pollutes the air, water, etc. (9)
            2. unhealthy air in cities that is a mixture of smoke, gases, chemicals (4)
            3. the white, grey or black gas that is produced by something (5)
                    4. a substance that causes cancer (10)
              5. a ship or vehicle for carrying liquid or gas, for example oil (6)
            6. a deep hole in the ground from which water or oil is taken (4)
            7. all the animals living in a particular place (5)
          8. all the plants that grow in a particular place (5)
                    9. a process of burning (10)
            10. an act of spilling something or the amount that is spilled (5)

Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with the following words. Water, emissions, tankers, carbon, air, wells, petrol, oil-recycling, environmental, combustion, atmospheric, pollutants, spills, fauna, substances, pollution

There are several kinds of_ pollution: air pollution, watci

_____, land pollution, etc._ is the most essential element for all

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