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Remain on the surface

Floating oil coats the feathers or fur of marine organisms and

destroys animals" buoyancy and natural insulation.

Heavy oil components that sink to the ocean floor have short-term

Impact on marine ecosystems.

__ Heavy oil components kill crabs, oysters, mussels or make them

Unfit for human consumption.

Sheltered areas can be cleaned up more rapidly than oil-polluted


Exercise 11. Circle the correct answer.

The effect of oil spills can... with great difficulties.

A) predict c) be predicted

B) to predict d) predicted

Such factors as type of oil spilled, amount, dictance of the spill from shore, weather conditions... on the effects of oil spills.

A) influencing c) influenced

B) influence d) influences

These floting substances... by bacteria over several weeks or months.

A) is broken downc) are broken down

B) break down d) broke down

Heavy oil components... to have the greatest long-term impact on marine ecosystem.

A) are believed c) believe

B) can believe d) is believed

Oil slicks can... serious economic effects on coastal residents.

A) to havec) have

B) has d) be having

Oil-polluted beaches... by strong waves are cleaned up rapidly.

A) is washed c) are washed

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 384 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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