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II. Read the text. Pay special attention to the words and phrases

Trafficking: Myth or Reality

The analysis of different law enforcement materials makes it possible to build a model of organized criminal activity related to trafficking in persons. Depending on the concrete situation, criminal individuals and groups may use various mechanisms. However, the general model of criminal activity includes these stages:

- looking for a person (search);

- influencing and putting pressure (recruitment);

- transferring the person to the place of destination (transportation);

- creating conditions for exploitation (reception, transfer, harbouring);

- making a profit (exploitation).

Each of these stages includes different techniques many of which are illegal according to the Criminal Code of Ukraine. When looking for victims, the recruiter may use newspaper ads, tourist agencies, marriage agencies, or personal contacts. The recruitment itself may be conducted with the help of fraud, blackmail, threat, violence and/or kidnapping. Victims may be transported to the country of destination both legally and illegally, with forged documents.

The next stage usually includes transfer to an owner of a nightclub, bar, or brothel. The most typical forms of exploitation include sexual exploitation, working under extremely hard conditions, or being used as donors for transplantation of organs.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 332 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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