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Customs Declaration

When a person goes on business abroad he is to fill in the Customs declaration and to keep it for the duration of his stay abroad. It is not (1) ______ in case of loss. What is a ‘Customs declaration form’? It’s a simple form that (2) _______ who the person is, where he lives and whether or not he has made any (3) ________ that are to be declared.

Just like travelling anywhere outside the country, passengers are allowed a certain (4) _______ of tobacco, liquor that can be brought into the country. Persons giving (5) ______ information in the Customs declaration or to Customs officers shall render themselves liable under the (6) ____ of the country.

If the traveller has any goods or items that are (7) _______, he should fill in a special Customs declaration form and pass (8) ________ at the Customs point at the border. If he doesn’t have anything to declare, he may cross (9) ______ through the ‘green corridor’.

If the passenger brings in something that he thinks may (10) _______ when he comes out of the country, it’s better to declare it. The traveller must keep the (11) ________ declaration until the end of the trip (12) ______ problems when leaving the country.

Exercise 7. Read Text 2 to find the English equivalents for:

широко практиковаться в мире; каналы связи; представлять; законодательные акты; постепенно; таможенные органы; участники ВЭД; декларирование через Интернет; осуществлять таможенное оформление; выпуск товаров; декларант; электронное уведомление; квитанция; ускорять процедуру таможенного оформления; набор документов; подвергать риску; воспользоваться преимуществами; принимать электронную декларацию; воплощать программы.

Text 2*

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 498 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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