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Урок 10


Patient: Excuse me! Can I speak to Dr Brown, please?
Secretary: Sorry, but he is out at the moment. He went to see some patient in town. And who is speaking?
Patient: It's Jake Smith. I have an appointment. When is he coming back?
Secretary: He left about half an hour ago, and he must be back in an hour. Say, what's your problem.
Patient: You know, I called Doc yesterday, and he told me to come today.
Secretary: What time?
Patient: 6 p.m.
Secretary: And it's only 4. Come later. Come at 5.45.
Patient: I am afraid, I can't. I had a car accident, and now I'm at the police station.
Secretary: Then you've got to come some other day...

Doctor: Hello? This is Dr Brown. Can I talk to Mr Smith, please?... Hello, Jake! You didn't come to see me. What happened?
Secretary: You know, I had an accident in the afternoon, and I hurt my leg.
Doctor: Did you call my office?
Secretary: I did.
Doctor: Who did you speak with?
Secretary: I spoke with some woman. I think, it was your
Doctor: secretary.
Secretary: What did she tell you?
  Well, she told me to come some other day...

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 640 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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