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Text IV

Nanotechnology: How the Science of the Very Small is Getting Very Big

After reading this text you will learn:

- what is nanotechnology;

- in what fields they are and can be used;

- the advantages of nanotechnologies in the modern equipment;

- the effect of nanotechnologies on the environment.

I. Learn the following words:

Word Transcription Translation
To measure ['meZq] Измерять
To permit [pq'mIt] Позволять
Carbon ['kRb(q)n] Углерод
Chain [CeIn] Цепь
Aim [eIm] Направлять, нацеливать
To share [SFE] Делиться, отдавать
To replace [rI'pleIs] Заменять
Flat [flxt] Плоский
Film [fIlm] Фотопленка
Sticky ['stIkI] Клейкий
To remove [rI'mHv] Удалять
To carry ['kxrI] Проводить
Similar ['sImIlq] Подобный
Solar ['seulq] Солнечный
Movable ['mHvqbl] Переносной
To improve [Im'prHv] Улучшать
Current ['kAr(q)nt] Электрический ток
To release [rI'lJs] Выпускать
To warn [wLn] Предупреждать
Poisonous ['pPIzqnqs] Ядовитый
To contain [kqn'teIn] Содержать
To reach [rJC] Достигать
Wire [wQIq] Провод
To meet the demands [mJt] [dI'mRndz] Соответствовать требованиям
Concerns [kqn'sWnz] Вопросы, вызывающие озабоченность
To cause [kLz] Послужить причиной
Severe [sI'vIq] Сильный (тяжелый)
Lung [lAN] Легкое
Damage ['dxmIG] Вред
To involve [In'vPlv] Вовлекать
To expect [Iks'pekt] Ожидать
To credit ['kredIt] Приписывать

II. Fill in the table with the proper derivatives which are possible:

Verb Noun Adjective
To investigate   -
  Measurement -
To observe   -
To require   -
  Proof -
To grow   -
  Existence -
-   Safe
To develop   -
  Improvement -
To reduce   -
  Recognition -

III. Find the opposites to the following words and use both words in the sentences of your own:

To decrease - ________________; tight - ______________; to appear - _______________; high - ___________;

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 372 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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