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Cheese Rolling

Of all Britain's famous customs and traditions, cheese rolling is probably the strangestand certainly the most spectacular.

Every year, large crowds of people gather at Cooper’s Hill in Gloucestershire to watch the Cheese Rolling Championship.

A group of brave (and crazy) people roll a large cheese down the hill, and then run down after it. In theory, competitors must catch the cheese, but as it can reach speeds up to 70 miles an hour, this rarely happens.

Cheese Rolling is one of the old­est customs in Great Britain. It's been going on for hundreds of years and nobody knows for sure when it first started.

The master of the ceremonies must wear a white coat, ribbons and a top hat. He starts the event with the traditional signal: 'One to be ready, two to be steady, three to prepare – and FOUR to be off.'

In the past the cheese-rolling day also included a fair that took place at the top of the hill.

Four races are held on the day: three for men and one for women. There are also uphill races for children.

Cheese Rolling is a dangerous sport. There is usually an ambu­lance at the event – to treat people with sprained ankles, black eyes and sometimes more serious injuries.

Oh, and what's the prize for win­ning in this 'extreme' sport? You get to keep the cheese!

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 1379 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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