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Comprehension exercises

I. Reread the text and answer the following questions:

1) What is social inequality usually based on? 2) Why is stratification one of the most important and complex subjects of sociological investigation? 3) What forms of stratification exist in all societies? 4) What is stratification by social class? 5) What is the difference between a racial group and an ethnic group? 6) Does a minority group always constitute a numerical minority? 7) Are there «pure races» in a biological sense? 8) How can different social groups relate to one another in a society? 9) What patterns of intergroup relations do you know? 10) What is stratification by gender based on? 11) How can you prove that ours is a men's world? 12) What are the traditional male and female gender roles? 13) What shows that women gain some degree of power at present? 14) Do barriers still remain? 15) What are the social consequences of women's employment? 16) What is stratification by age? 17) How can you prove the subordinate status of the elderly in all societies?

II. Speak on social inequality, stratification and its firms in brief and illustrate your reports withexamples and situations of your own.

III. Speak about the social inequality and stratification in the Russian society commenting on the following problems:

1) The roots of social inequality in our society. 2) Class distinctions and division in Russia. 3) Russian women — the oppressed majority. 4) The attitude to the elderly in our society.

IV. Describe your own experiences as a member of our society:

Do you feel any social inequality? Do you hold any class consciousness? Are you a member of a minority or a majority group? Do you think that your gender identity determines your gender role? Are there any problems in «being young»? Will all these distinctions influence your future opportunities and in what ways?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 508 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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