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- What is the aim of modality use in the initial acute injury phase?
- Modality use in the initial acute injury phase should be directed toward one goal, that being to reduce the amount of swelling that occurs. The less the amount of initial swelling, the less time will be required for rehabilitation.
- How is the modality used during the inflammatory-response stage of healing?
- During the inflammatory-response stage of healing, modalities should be use to reduce pain and limit the amount of swelling. The injured part should be rested to allow the healing process to work.
- What type of modality can be used at the fibroblastic-repair phase?
- During the fibroblastic-repair phase, thermo-therapy may be used to increase blood flow to the injured area. Also during this time, strengthening and range-of-motion exercises should begin.  
- Is the maturation-remodeling phase a long or a short-term process?
- The maturation-remodeling phase is a long-term process during which the athlete returns to activity
- Why should these modalities be appropriate here?
- Deep-heating modalities that increase blood flow and assist in the breakdown and removal of the by-products of the healing process should be used.
- I guess, the quantity and intensity of therapeutic exercise should be progressively increased during this phase of healing. Do you agree with me?
- Right you are.

1.13. Give a talk on the text “Therapeutic Modalities Effectiveness”.

II. Oral Topic XIV.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 326 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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