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The plural in compound nouns

1. As a rule in compounds it is the second component that takes the plural form: housewives, tooth-brushes, shoe shops.

2. Compounds in - ful have the plural ending at the end of the word: handfuls, spoonfuls or spoonsful.

3. Compounds in which the first component is “man” or “woman” have plurals in both parts: men-servant, women-doctors. But: man-eaters, woman – haters.

4. Compounds ending in man change it into men: policeman — policemen.

5. Such nouns as German, Roman, Norman are not compounds and therefore they have regular plurals: Germans, Romans, Normans.

6. In compounds originating from a prepositional noun phrase where the preposition is a linking element only the first noun takes the plural form: editors-in-chief, mothers-in-law, men-of-war (военные корабли ).

7. In compounds with a conjunction as a linking element the plural is taken by the second noun: gin-and-tonics.

8. In compounds formed by a noun plus a preposition, or an adverb, or an adjective only the first element takes the plural: passers-by, lookers-on, courts-martial, attorneys-general.

9. When a compound is a substantivized phrase which doesn’t contain a noun, the last element takes the plural form: forget-me-nots, merry-go-rounds, stand-bys, grown-ups, close-ups, pick-ups (случайные знакомства), drop-outs (дезертиры), go-betweens (посредники).

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 824 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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