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Lesson 4. Motor car clubs and museums

1. Подберите правильный перевод

about exhibit motoring
collect advertise pioneer
antique single memory
several such fine
specialize glorious speeding
rare famous ghost
meeting founder silently

показывать около автодело

рекламировать собирать первопроходец

один античный память

такой несколько штрафовать

славный специализироваться превышение скорости

известный редкий призрак

основатель собрание тихо

2. Переведите следующие словосочетания

to collect antique cars, to specialize in rare models, to practice meetings, motoring pioneers, in memory, to fine for speeding, per hour, to run silently, petrol-driven car

3. Перечитайте и переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы


There are about 3,000 Americans who like to collect antique cars.

They have several clubs such as Antique Automobile Club and Veteran Motor Car Club, which specialize in rare models.

The clubs practice meetings where members can exhibit their cars.

Collectors can also advertise in magazines published by their clubs.

Some magazines specialize in a single type of car such as glorious Model ”T”

In England there is the famous Beaulieu Motor Museum - the home for veteran cars. There is a car called The Knight in this museum. It is the first British petrol-driven car. Its top speed was only 8 mph.

The founder of the Museum is Lord Montagu, the son of one of England's motoring pioneers, who opened it in 1952 in memory of his father. Lord Montagu's father was the first person in England to be fined by the police for speeding. He was fined 5 pounds for going faster than 12 miles per hour.

In the Museum's collection there is a car called the Silver Ghost.

It was built by Rolls-Royce in 1907 and called the Silver Ghost because it ran so silently and was painted silver.

Charles Rolls was born in 1881 in Great Britain. He died in 1910.

He was an aristocrat and businessman. He was especially interested in cars. Once he met another enthusiast of cars Henry Royce.

Henry Royce was a famous car engineer. They decided to design the most comfortable and reliable car.

At the beginning of the 20th century it seemed to be a fantasy. But they worked hard and at last in 1907 they created the world-famous Rolls-Royce car. It was so comfortable and reliable that one of the models of Rolls-Royce cars "Silver Ghost" hadn't changed greatly for 20 years since 1907.

Are there motor car clubs and museums in America and England?

What models do these clubs and museums specialize in?

What rare cars are exhibited in these clubs and museums?

4. Заполните пропуски в предложениях в соответствии с содержанием тек­ста и переведите предложения.

There are about 3,000 Americans who like to collect antique cars.

Antique Automobile Club and Veteran Motor Car Club _____________ in _______________

In England there is the _____________ Beaulieu Motor Museum – the home for veteran cars.

There is a car called The Knight. It is the first British_____________

Its ______________speed was only 8 mph.


Слова, словосочетания и специальные термины

about — около, приблизительно

advert — упоминать, ссылаться

advertise — рекламировать, объявлять

advertisement — объявление, реклама, анонс

antique - антикварный, античный, старинный

collect — собирать, коллекционировать

collect antique cars - собирать (коллекционировать) старинные автомобили

collection - коллекция, подборка

collective — коллективный, совместный

collector — коллекционер, собиратель; коллектор, токосниматель

especially — особенно

exhibit — показывать, экспонировать

famous — известный

fine - штраф; штрафовать

founder — основатель

ghost - призрак

glorious — славный, легендарный

host — хозяин; принимать гостей

in memory of - в память о ком (чем) -либо

meeting — собрание, встреча

memory — память

motoring — автодело, автоспорт

motoring pioneers — первопроходцы автомобилестроения

per hour — в час (за час)

petrol-driven саг - автомобиль, работающий на бензине

pioneer — первопроходец, пионер

practice — практиковать, регулярно проводить

practice meetings — проводить собрания (встречи)

гаге — редкий, редкостный

run silently - работать тихо (о двигателе)

silently — тихо, бесшумно

single - один, единственный

special — специальный

specialist — специалист

specialize — специализироваться

specialize in rare models — специализироваться по редким автомобилям

specially — специально

specific — удельный; специфический, определенный

speed — скорость, ускорять

speeding — превышение скорости

such — такой

such as — такой как (при сравнении)


1. Подберите правильный перевод

inventor sundry decade clone feature

discover combustion concept repair imitate

carriage electricity success spawn peddle

wagon contraption seek replace spare

progress noisy to improve to power inaugurate

dramatically inefficient embody offering suitable

десятилетие черта клон
концепция подражать ремонтировать
успех торговать порождать
искать запасной замещать
исправлять ознаменовать питать энергией
воплощать подходящий предложение
изобретатель разнообразный  
открывать сгорание  
экипаж электричество  
фургон хитроумное приспособление
прогресс шумный  
драматично неэффективный  

2. Переведите следующие словосочетания

water-cooled contraption, gasoline automobile engines, two-seated cars with no roofs, large cans of fuel, spare parts, filling station, inaugurated the era, suitable technology, self-propelled vehicle, a four-wheeled motorized carriage

3. Перечитайте и переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы


Inventors on both sides of the Atlantic discovered during the 1880s that tech­nologies for making self-propelled carriages and wagons had progressed dramat­ically. Soon sundry vehicles powered by steam, internal combustion engines, and electricity were rolling across Germany, France, and the United States.

The first practical internal combustion engine was built by Etienne Lenoir, a Belgian living in France. Patented in 1860, his water-cooled contraption burned coal gas and was noisy and inefficient; even so, for two decades it had many buyers. Lenoir's engine was a clear proof of concept to other inventors, especially in Europe.

Nikolaus Otto, a German, was one of many inspired by Lenoir's technical and commercial success. Me­chanically gifted, Otto sought to improve the Lenoir en­gine, and in the late 1870s he did. Otto's four-cycle design embodied features that would become standard in gasoline automobile engines.

The cars of that time were very small, two-seated cars with no roof, driven by an engine placed under the scat. Motorists had to carry large cans of fuel and sep­arate spare parts, for there were no repair or filling sta­tions to serve them.

The Otto engine and the many clones it spawned, though intended to replace small steam engines in in­dustry, inaugurated the era of the gasoline-powered automobile. Clearly, the compact internal com­bustion engine was a most suitable technology for the self-propelled ve­hicle.

Karl Benz, also a German, em­ployed his own Otto-type engine to power a three-wheel carriage in 1885. These tri-wheelers, with a one-cyl­inder engine that developed 0.8 hp, were put on the market in 1887, per­haps the earliest commercial auto­mobiles.

In 1891 Benz added a four-wheel motorized carriage to his company's offerings. These automobiles sold well and were widely imitated. In the early 1890s, for example, Panhard et Levassor as well as Peugeot in France were peddling cars to the public. Henry Ford, however, was still a long way from building automobiles.

Who built the first practical internal combustion engine?

Who improved the Lenoir engine?

What era did the Otto engine inaugurate?

Who introduced the first commercial automobile?

4. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, в соответствии с содержанием текста и переведите предложения.

Inventors on both sides of the Atlantic _____________during the 1880s that technologies _______________ had progressed dramatically.

Patented in 1860, his water-cooled contraption_______________ and

was ____________ and ___________

Otto's four-cycle design________________ that would become standard in ____________________ engines

Motorists had to carry ____________ and separate__________, for there were no _______________ or _____________ to serve them.

The compact internal combustion engine was a most________________

for the _______________

Karl Benz ___________his own Otto-type engine __________a three-wheel carnage in 1885.


Слова, словосочетания и специальные термины

carriage - экипаж

clone - клон

combustion — сгорание

concept - концепция, идея

contraption — хитроумное приспособление

decade — десятилетие

discover — делать открытие, открывать

discoverer — исследователь

discovery — открытие {научное и т.п.)

dramatically — заметно

electricity — электричество

embodiment — воплощение, реализация

embody — воплощать

employ — использовать, применять, задействовать

employee — наемный сотрудник

employer — работодатель

employment — применение, использование, занятость

feature — (характерная) черта; выделять как особенность, иметь особен­ность

filling station — заправочная станция

four-wheeled motorized carriage — четырехколесный моторизированный эки­паж

gasoline automobile engine — бензиновый автомобильный двигатель

gift — подарок, дар; дарить, одарять

imitate — подражать, имитировать; моделировать

imitation - имитация, моделирование (событий и т.п.), подражание

imitative - имитационный, смоделированный, подражательный

imitator — имитатор, подражатель

improve — улучшать, исправлять

improvement — улучшение, исправление, достижение

inaugurate — ознаменовывать

inaugurate the era - открывать эру

inefficient - неэффективный

invent — изобретать

inventor — изобретатель

large can of fuel - большая канистра с топливом

noisy — шумный

offering — предложение

peddle — торговать (вразнос)

peddler — торговец вразнос

power - питать энергией

powerful — мощный, сильный; властный

powerless — бессильный

progress — прогресс; продвигаться вперед, развиваться

repair — ремонтировать

replace - замещать

replacement — замена, замещение

seat — сиденье, седло клапана; усаживать

seek (sought) — искать

self-propelled vehicle — самодвижущееся транспортное средство

spare — запасной

spare parts — запасные части

spawn — порождать, плодиться

success — успех

suitable - подходящий

suitable technology — соответствующая технология

sundry – разнообразный

two-seated car with no roof — двухместный автомобиль с открытым верхом (без крыши)

unemployment — безработица

wagon — фургон

water-cooled contraption — устройство водяного охлаждения (двигатель с водяным охлаждением)

wheel - колесо, руль; везти, поворачивать, ехать на велосипеде

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