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Discuss the difference in meaning between a) and b), in each pair of sentences


1. a) For generations, Nepal has produced the world's greatest soldiers.

b) For generations, Sparta produced Greece's greatest soldiers.

2. a) Has Neil Simon written many plays?

b) Did John Galsworthy write any plays?

3. a) England have lost 6 games and won 10 this season.

b) England lost 6 games and won 10 last season.

4. a) I haven't done anything special this weekend.

b) 1 didn't do anything special last weekend.

5. a) I haven't seen John today.

b) 1 didn't see John yesterday.

6. a) I haven't seen John today.

b) I didn't see John at school today.

7. a) Have you eaten your breakfast?

b) Did you eat your breakfast this morning?

8. a) Have you walked the dog?

b) Did you walk the dog this morning?

9. a) John has painted a picture of his sister.

b) John painted this picture.

10. a) He has chaired the University's economics department for 10 years now.

b) He chaired the University's economics department for 10 years.


1. a) Peter has injured his leg.

b) Peter injured his leg.

2. a) The postman hasn’t delivered any letters today.

b) The postman didn’t deliver any letters today.

3. a) Now where have I put my glasses?

b) Now where did I put my glasses?

4. a) Have you seen Ann this morning?

b) Did you see Ann this morning?

5. a) Have you visited the Gauguin exhibition?

b) Did you visit the Gauguin exhibition?

6. a) Have you seen much of the city?

b) Did you see much of the city?

7. a) He has lived a good life.

d) He lived a good life.

8. a) She has spent her whole life in India.

b) She spent her whole life in India.

9. a) Have you found your notebook?

b) Did you find your notebook?

10. a) What have you done at school today?

b) What did you do at school today?

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 418 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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