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Text 1. Meals

Americans and British people generally eat three meals a day though the names vary according to people’s lifestyles and where they live.

The first meal of the day is breakfast. The trad­itional full English breakfast served in many Brit­ish hotels may include fruit juice, cereal, bacon and eggs, often with sausages and tomatoes, toast and marmalade, and tea or coffee. Few people have time to prepare a cooked breakfast at home and most have only cereal or muesli (AmE granola) and/or toast with tea or coffee. Others buy coffee and a pastry on their way to work.

The traditional American breakfast includes eggs, some kind of meet and toasts. Eggs may be fried “over easy” over hard or “sunny sup up”, or boiled, poached or in an omelette (= beaten together and fried). The meat may be bacon or sausage. People who do not have time for a large meal have toast or cereal and coffee. It is common for Ameri­cans to eat breakfast in a restaurant. On Saturday and Sunday many people eat brunch late in the morning. This consists of both breakfast and lunch dishes, including pancakes and waffles (= types of cooked batter) that are eaten with butter and maple syrup.

Lunch, which is eaten any time after midday, is the main meal of the day for some British people, though people out at work may have only sandwiches. Some people also refer to the midday meal as dinner.

The main meal of the day for most people is the evening meal, called supper, tea or dinner. It is usually a cooked meal with meat or fish or a salad, followed by a sweet course. Some people have a TV supper, eaten on their knee while watching televi­sion.

Tea, meaning a main meal for adults, is used especially in Scotland and Ireland; supper and dinner are more widely used in England and Wales. Dinner sounds more formal than supper, and guests generally receive invitations to 'dinner' rather than to 'supper'.

In the US the evening meal is called dinner. It is usually eaten around 6 or 6.30 p.m and often consists of dishes bought ready-prepared that need only to be heated. In many families, both in Britain and in the US, fam­ily members eat at different times and rarely sit down at the table together. Unless it is a special occasion, few people drink wine with dinner.

Many people also eat snacks between meals. Most have tea or coffee at mid-morning, often called cof­fee time or the coffee break. In Britain this is some­times also called elevenses. In the afternoon most British people have a tea break. Some hotels serve afternoon tea which consists of tea or coffee and a choice of sandwiches and cakes. When on holi­day/vacation people sometimes have a "cream tea of scones, jam and cream. In addition many people eat chocolate bars, biscuits (AmE cookies) or crisps (AmE chips). Some British people have a snack, sometimes called supper, consisting of a milk drink and a biscuit before they go to bed. In the US chil­dren often have milk and cookies after school. Adults are especially likely to snack (= eat snacks) while watching television. Те

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