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Text 3. How American and British families live

The American family consists of a mother and father and their two children, aged 7 and 10. They are dressed casually but well. They live in a suburban ranch-style house with a garden around it in a town in Texas. The US flag flies on the front of the double garage, between two deer heads, which are hunting trophies. The family owns two smart cars and also a dune buggy. They have a bicycle each.

There are comfortable beds, sofas and chairs, and matching wooden furniture from each room of the house. Kitchen appliances include a washing machine, a dryer and a dishwasher, and various electrical gadgets. There are two televisions and a stereo system. Personal possessions used for leisure activities include a piano and a guitar, and two sewing machines. There are various toys including balls and a doll’s house (AmE dollhouse). A display of books around, and more on a bookcase visible inside the house. The mother is holding the family’s most valued possession, a Bible. Tied to a fire hydrant, one of the father’s souvenirs is the family’s pet dog.

The British family also consists of two parents and their two children, aged 13 and 15. The parents are dressed in casual but good quality clothes and their children are in school uniform. They live in a suburban semi-detached house in a town in southern England. They have two cars, and each member of the family has a bicycle.

In the front garden and on the road there is a selection furniture and kitchen appliances, and a television, stereo system and radio. There are also lamps, pictures, ornaments and vases of flowers. A traditional tea with crumpets is laid out on the table. The family has put out many personal possessions, which illustrate their hobbies and interests. The father is holding the tiller (румпель) of his sailing dinghy (шлюпка), which is parked in front of the house next door. This is the family’s most valued possession. Nearby there is gardening equipment and barbecue. A cricket bat and pads and a boogie (=surf) board are displayed in front of the garage. There is an exercise machine on the path and a squash racket leaning against the blanket chest.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 1895 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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