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Hypnosis is the art of leading a person into the state of mental and physical relax­ation in order to communicate with their subconscious mind. Most people can be hypnotized if they are willing to accept and follow sugges­tions. But it is true that some people cannot be hypnotized successfully.

Hypnosis can be used to recall past events, both in this lifetime and in previous lifetimes. It can also be used to change bad habits like smoking or overeating or to change the way you feel, for example, to increase joy and happiness. Recalling past lives can help you in various ways. It can help you to discover the reasons for your fears, or reasons for recurring dreams. It can also help to explain aspects of your personality.

One woman who was overweight discovered that she had died of starvation and was now subconsciously compensat­ing for it. Another example is a woman who had a terrible fear of enclosed spaces and was unable to enter a tunnel or an elevator. When she regressed to a past life, she found that she had been buried alive in a coffin. Once she knew the reason for her fear, she was able to let go of it completely.

Hypnosis is not dangerous at all! Your body is relaxed, your mind is aware and awake. Your eyes are closed, and you see and feel that you are in a different time and place. You are able to talk and answer questions about your experience. It is most successful when guided by an expert, but it can often be successful when guided by a recording.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 300 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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