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Ex. 3. Notes on synonyms

The act of traveling can be described by a number of synonyms which differ by various implications. They all describe the act of going from one place to another (that is why they are synonyms), but differ by the length of time taken by that act, by its purpose, destination or by the method of traveling.

travel n: the act of traveling, esp. a long one in distant or foreign places, either for the purpose of discovering some­thing new or in search of pleasure and adventure; e. g. He is writing a book about his travels in Africa.

journey л: the act of going from one place to another, usu­ally taking a rattier long time; e. g. It's a three days' journey by train. You'll have to make the journey alone. Going on a journey is always exciting.

voyage: a rather long journey, esp. by water or air; e.g. I'd love to go on a voyage, would you? The idea of an Atlantic voyage terrified her: she was sure to be seasick all the time.

trip n: a journey, an excursion, freq. a brief one, made by land or water; e. g. Did you enjoy your week-end trip to the seaside?

tour л: a journey in which a short stay is made at a num­ber of places (usu. with the view of sightseeing), the trave­ler finally returning to the place from which he had started; e, g. On our Southern-England tour we visited Windsor, Ox­ford, Cambridge, Stratford-on-Avon and then came back to London.

cruise [kru:z] a sea voyage from port to port, esp. a plea­sure trip; e. g. The Mediterranean cruise promised many in­teresting impressions.

hitch-hiking n: traveling by getting free rides in passing automobiles and walking between rides; e. g. Hitch-hiking is a comparatively new way of traveling which gives one a chance to see much without spending anything.

Ex. 4. Fill in appropriate words (voyage, trip, tour, cruise, hitch-hiking, travel, journey)

I. I'd be delighted to go on a sea..., but my wife has never been a good sailor, so we can't join you. 2. Last week we made a wonderful... to the mountains. It took us four hours by coach. 3. The Italian... was really exciting. We visited a number of wonderful towns and then returned to Rome. The... back to Moscow by railway took us about three days. 4. It is delightful to come ashore after a long … and to feel solid ground under one's foot. 5. Many times on his long … in the depths of Africa, in the jungle of the Amazon he faced danger, starvation and death. 6. At the beginning of the last century going from Petersburg to Moscow was described as "…". Now we can chose … by night train, a six hours'... by day train or an air... of an hour and a half. 7. I'm just reading a very amusing book about a pleasure party making a Caribbean… in somebody's yacht. 8. Young people are naturally fond of … as a way of visiting new places and see­ing things: it is cheap and gives one a feeling of freedom and infinite horizons. 9. I'm told you're going on a … to the Far East. 10. They're planning a... of some Baltic resorts. They've a new car, you know. 11. You're looking pale. A … to the seaside will do you good.

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