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Ex. 4. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the active words and their derivatives

Ican't pay now: please bill me for it later. 2. I've been pricing VCRs in the London shops. 3. They made a profit of $600 on the deal (сделка). 4. The bank pays interest of 9% on savings. 5. The bill is payable now. 6. He is no longer on their payroll. 7. Don't expend all your energy on such a useless job. 8. She spared no expense to make wedding a success. 9. He had his book printed at his own expense. 10. What are your take-home earnings? 11. It's wasteful to throw it away. 12. How much interest do they charge on loans? 13. This year the company paid the dividend of 50 p per share. 14. He told his stockbroker to sell his shares in the company. 15. Legal non-payment of tax is called "tax avoidance", illegal non-payment is "tax evasion". 16. Cash arriving in large volume always came early in the morning, having been transferred earlier still from the Federal Reserve. 17. In the credit policy unit, an assistant loan inspector, whose authority was limited to a mere 50 thousand dollars, worked at an unimpressive desk alongside others in a large open office. 18. Edwina was aware of Eastin's other hobby, one which had proved useful to the bank - the study and collection of currencies and coin. 19. The first recorded instance of inflation was during the 13-th century when the Mongol emperor was unable to pay his soldiers in coin, so used a wood printing block to produce military money. 20. The trick, for any branch bank manager, was never to run short of cash, but not to hold too much. 21. He was the treasurer of the city's largest department store and needed a three million dollar short term loan to cover a cash deficit resulting from costlier-than-usual purchases of Christmas merchandise. 22. Plentiful supplies of crisp new bills were being recorded, then distributed to tellers.

Ex. 5. Work in pairs. Let your partner answer the questions (Mind the active vocabulary!).

Do you happen to know what are the interest rates in the banks of Vladivostok? 2. Should everyone pay the same tax? 3. Must men and women have equal salaries? 4. Do you usually read for profit or for pleasure? 5. Do you live within your income? 6. Who is a wage earner in your family? 7. Do you ever lend money? 8. Do you sometimes waste your money on silly things? 9. Do you keep you money in the savings bank? 10. What do you think of the tax laws in our country? 11. Do you invest your money in stocks and shares? 12 Is your flat insured against fire? 13. Can you name any non-profit making organization?

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 496 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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