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Ex. 14. Listen and insert the missing words into the dialogues

Loyal fans

Ted: What do you think of the game, Bill?

Bill: Dreadful! It was neither exciting nor ________.

Ted: I agree with you. Of course the weather didn’t help. They’d hardly _____ off when it started to rain.

Our team is useless in the mud, and they were off _______ away.

Bill: Some of our team can’t play ________ in either wet or dry conditions, and I’ve never seen them on

form. I can’t help laughing when I watch old Ford. Every time he gets the ball he either ______ over

or passes it to the ____________. I can’t make out why they pick him.

Ted: He’s too old really. He had already been playing in the team for about ten years when I became a

___________ – and that was eight years ago.

Bill: Evans isn’t much better. He is not only too _______, he’s scared to tackle as well.

Ted: Yes, he is always afraid of getting injured. Neither Ford nor Evans is up to it. We need two new

defenders and a new ____________ too.

Bill: But the management is to mean to spend money either or new players or on improvement of the


Ted: Yes, that’s true. The _______ is a disgrace. It isn’t flat and the drains don’t work. Every time it rains

the pitch is covered with great puddles of water.

Bill: What we need, Ted is not only new players but a new manager and a new pitch as well. Then

perhaps we could win _______________ to the Third Division.

Ex. 15. Make up your own dialogue on the following situations:

1. Two friends are talking after a football match. One is happy – his favorite team has won; the other is not as his team has lost the match.

2. Imagine a dialogue between two sports fans about their favorite sports. Each of them is trying to prove that his kind of sports is the best.

3. It’s Sunday afternoon. In a few minutes, there will be a football match on TV, while on another channel there will be a fashion show. Argument between husband and wife.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 1259 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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