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Ex. 10. Guess the sport game

1. You have to use a special racquet to hit the ball. You must not touch the ball with your body. You don't have to hit the ball before it bounces. It can bounce once. You don't have to wear white, but many players do. You have to play in a special room. You have to hit the ball above a line on the wall.

2. You have to hit the ball with a long wooden hammer. The ball has to go into a goal. You don't need to be rich, but you have to know how to ride a horse.

3. To win this game, you have to score 21 points and still be 2 points ahead. You don't have to run very far. You have to hit the ball with a small wooden paddle. The ball must not bounce on the floor or on your side of the net except when you serve.

4. You have to be good at running. You don't need to wear any protective clothing and you must not try to hit another player. You can touch the ball with any part of your body except your hands. Only one person on each team is allowed to touch the ball with his hands—and he doesn't have to be good at running.

5. You must not touch the other players. You are allowed to touch the ball with your hands and try to throw it into the net. You can run with the ball if you bounce it with one hand.

6. You have to reach 15 points to win. You have to hit the ball over the net with your hands. If it lands out of court, the other side gets a point. You can play this game almost anywhere if you have a net—in the garden, on the beach, as well as in a gymnasium.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 668 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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