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STAR signs

Element signs are very general, so there are twelve STAR signs (three for FIRE, three for EARTH, etc.).

Mar 21 - Apr 20 FIRE Sign ARIES people like dangerous sport and modern life. They think and talk quickly. They are often angry and bad-tempered but they are energetic/bossy, warm, generous, sensitive and artistic. They don't like big changes in their lives.

Apr 21 - May 21 EARTH Sign TAURUS people are kind and friendly. They work slowly but they are hard-working. They are very interested in food, but they are careful with their money and they are interested in business and families. They like working in the garden very much. They are usually happy but they are often jealous.

May 22 - June 21 AIR Sign GEMINI people are clever, witty, very talkative, changeable. They do lots of things well and they work quickly, but they don't like working hard. They like traveling and writing very much. They are interested in books, people and ideas. They are often funny.

June 22 - July 23 WATER Sign CANCER-people are humorous, conservative, often happy, anxious. They are very good businessmen. They are very interested in their families and they don't like being alone. They are interested in the sea and history. They have got a lot of imagination and they are often afraid and shy.

July 24 - Aug 23 FIRE Sign LEO people are very honest and independent but they think they are wonderful. They like going to expensive restaurants very much. They are ambitious, bossy, they like controlling other people, but they don't listen very carefully to other people. They are either tidy or very untidy. They are passionate and generous.

Aug 24 - Sept 23 EARTH Sign VIRGO people are very logical and they work hard and very carefully. They are interested in science and nature. They don't like big or small changes in their lives and they are romantic, they are practical but they’re very honest. They are punctual and critical.

Sept 24 - Oct 23 AIR Sign LIBRA people are very romantic, pleasant and charming. They are very interested in other people. They like dancing and they are fond of art, sport and animals. They don't like big changes in their lives. They are friendly, energetic (but also lazy), argumentative.

Oct 23 - Nov 22 WATER Sign SCORPIO people are often very intelligent and very ambitious, but they aren't very honest. They are brave, sometimes violent, extremist, possessive, and passionate. They don't like working with other people. They aren't very interested in their families but they don't often change their friends. They are often very religious.

Nov 23 - Dec 21 FIRE Sign SAGITTARIUS people don't like sitting and doing nothing. They like playing sports very much and living dangerously. They listen well to other people and they are good teachers. They like traveling. They aren't careful with their money. They are talkative, self-confident and cheerful.

Dec 22 - Jan 20 EARTH Sign CAPRICORN people are very ambitious and they work very hard. They don't like talking and they don't listen well to other people. They don't like going to expensive restaurants. They don't like playing sports very much. They are conservative, polite, serious, sociable but shy. They are interested in home, politics, and people.

Jan 21 - Feb 19 AIR Sign AQUARIUS people like modern life very much. They like crowds and new ideas and they often change their ideas. They are interested in sport and politics.

They are romantic, but they are very independent. They are tolerant, sociable but unstable. They are often brilliant or mad.

Feb 20 - Mar 20 WATER Sign PISCES people are always very happy or very unhappy. They are sensitive, emotional, imaginative, artistic, and depressive. They are very interested in other people and like helping other people very much. They aren't very interested in their families. They are very interested in themselves. They don't work very well and they are often lazy.

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